Monday, November 22, 2010

Reaching Forward's funny how different each day can be. Yesterday was a beautiful mess, and today was just a wonderful day all over. I got some work done, hung out with a good friend, and had dinner with another good friend. I just want to explain every single detail so I can remember this day, but I'll skim the important parts.

Today I spent the first 5 hours of my day editing photos from the shoot I did yesterday, and that was a doozy. That got me halfway through, so naturally I decided to go through them again and delete more that didn't have any zing to them. I love being a photographer, but it takes a lot more work than most people expect from it (as does most everything). Finally around 2:30 my mother came home from errands and dropped me off at Jessie's where I got to work on my sociology book and just catch up with her. I love her a ton and I missed her, so it was a great day. I can be myself around her completely, and that's what I value most in people. I came home around 6pm and edited more photos, then went to dinner in Denver with Mark around 7. We had reservations at 8PM and we got there exactly on the dot, perfect timing. I was a little sketched out because the restaurant, Washington Park Grille, was hidden on this small street with a bunch of shops in the middle of some neighborhoods in South Denver. Of course when I picked it I thought it was in the city...ahahaha. What a joke. We ordered a $14.00 appetizer, and it was quite worth it. Bruschetta, Calamari, Crab Cakes, and that one dish where you put tomato on top of mozzarella and basil-YUM! Shortly after our food came, and I had my Penne with Sausage, Mushrooms, and a creamy tomato sauce. It wasn't to die for, but it definitely surpassed your average Olive Garden meal. Worth the money, I would say. Afterwards we stayed in the restaurant for a while and just talked about everything, and I really enjoyed it. No one does that anymore, just sits and talks. I even put my coat on because I expected to leave, but we didn't, and after I while I took it off. So I say, if a restaurant isn't busy then sit down and talk. Get to know a person, anything really. I ranted, laughed, got a little angry, and drank a ton of water. And it felt great, just being in company with someone who I enjoy. I'm glad I haven't pushed everyone out of my life, because tonight helped me realized things will get better. There's no avoiding that, my life is heading in a positive direction. I have completely gotten rid of the weights on my shoulders (well, the weights being people, excluding schoolwork, guh). I am ready to start living my life positively, and hey, I should have done this a looooong time ago.

Basically, even if I float away from my initial destination, at least I'm moving towards something right?

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