Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Wow Sara, creative title right? I know. I'm just extremely happy that I finally finished editing the photos from Ward, it was quite a doozy. It's nice to have Thanksgiving break because it gives me a bunch of time to do this, whereas it would usually take me three weeks. So to celebrate, here are my top 5 (not in order)! I put the rest on facebook, i've kind of drifted away from using flickr. What I really need is my own website...

So I WAS going to post top 5, and then blogger got EXTREMELY complicated. I need a tutorial on how to arrange pictures before I continue to post more than one, it has proven to be more difficult than necessary. Just check out my fb album to see the rest. Meow

1 comment:

  1. haha I hate how dumb blogspot's photo arrangement thing is. I messed around with it for like 10 minutes on my last blog when I imported too many pictures at the same time.
